"GRANNUS VILLAGE GAULOIS", communicates on the Celto-Ligurian period,
Gaulish, able to transmit in a playful, spectacular, historical and scientific way on the mores and cultural and religious customs of our Gallic ancestors who participated about 2400 years ago when the first cornerstones of the superb edifice that our beautiful town of Marignane has become today are laid.
This large-scale Event, with significant and recognized historical values, continues to attract a growing audience each year through the diversity and quality of its activities, the design of which is carried out with the greatest respect for archaeological, historical and scientific research carried out. in collaboration with known and recognized institutions such as CNRS, INRAP, MMSH, but also museums, archives and regional faculties.
The members of the Atelier du patrimoine Marignanais are proud to transmit with passion the ancient history of our region through GRANNUS VILLAGE GAULOIS which shines today : Regionally, Nationally, but also internationally driven by the arrival of visitors and speakers from neighboring countries.
Inserting local events into a national or European framework amplifies their value in the eyes of the general public. The cultural background that we have to transmit being important and carried by a growing number of passionate volunteers enlightened by their knowledge, allows us to work in close collaboration with the various cultural organizations of the city. such as cultural affairs, the museum of traditions and the tourist office throughout the year in general and more particularly for the organization of European Heritage Days.
This event is presented each year from the angle of the theme given by the European institution, which has the advantage of presenting new knowledge and orderly in their presentation and breaking the repetition, therefore monotony, from one year to another. .
The Atelier du Patrimoine Marignanais works to dissociate culture and boredom. An association that sometimes still lingers in the minds of the public. For this, these European Heritage Days, combine the different pages of our history with the contemporary mores of our city of Marignane, thus allowing us to design this event in a spirit of conviviality, fun, spectacular, but also historical, cultural and scientific in order to to open this event to as many people as possible.
As part of its research objectives, the Atelier du Patrimoine Marignanais carries out permanent training actions for its members and the general public aimed at preparing an action enhancement of the oppidum of Notre-Dame de Pitié and other historical monuments of the city of Marignane.
1) The establishment of craft training sessions open to the public for two half-days per week for the specialties listed below:
- Manufacture of prehistoric and ancient pottery
- leather work
- Manufacture of prehistoric and ancient jewelry
- Manufacture of ancient and prehistoric warrior weapons and equipment
2) Archaeological, scientific and architectural research to study the enhancement of the Notre-Dame de Pitié oppidum and the various historical monuments of the city
- conservation and availability of archaeological material from the Notre-Dame de Pitié oppidum (campaigns 1978 to 1985 and 2017)
- Topographical survey of the enclosures and apparent structures of the site
- Studies on the protection of public crossing points.
- Studies for the Restoration of the basic structures of the site, walls, flashings, towers, ... on the surface above the existing
- Implementation of a first stage of discovery of the site by a first signage campaign on the entire site (three spaces)
- Continued dissemination of knowledge of the Notre Dame de Pitié oppidum to the public through various Actions : conferences, visits to the archaeological site, Grannus Village Gaulois, school interventions.
- Collaboration with the Regional Archaeological Service, the Buildings of France, the Historic Monuments on the study of the valuation of the oppidum Notre dame de pitié
- Participation of the Heritage Foundation
- The first stage, topographical survey of the archaeological complex, financed by the Regional Archeology Service, has been completed.
- Historical and architectural study of the COVET castle and the Saint Nicolas church
- Study for the realization of an Archaeological Heritage Museum
The Atelier du Patrimoine Marignanais works in close collaboration with the museums and towns of Châteauneuf-les-Martigues, Arles and Marseille.