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The 7th edition of GRANNUS VILLAGE GAULOIS will take place on the 28th  and 29  MAY  2016  on the website of the  Our Lady of Mercy hill in Marignane.
The purpose of this event is to initiate and introduce the Marignanaise, regional and national population to the history and ancient mysteries of our beautiful city of Marignane, which has been radiating for around 2600 years, from the time when our ancestors the Gauls reigned in  master  on our city and its region, fruitful in trade, taking advantage of the proximity of our inland sea, now called the Etang de Berre.
This cultural event will have the ability to introduce young and old to all the customs and activities practiced at that time through spectacular events and playful stands respecting the know-how, art, cultural customs, worship and history of our ancestors



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